Monday 13 June 2011

i don't care what anyone thinks.

Gorgeous, it isn't everything, looks aren't to die for, you are who you are, enjoy your life and make the most of it while you can one day you won't have your life to fuss over. Enjoy what you have and appreciate the people you love... <3!
you are who you are!

and the point is?

life's such a circle, it turns around all the time! as soon as lifes becoming good, it turns right back around and smacks you in the face, just because someone has to be wasting time by making up pathetic rumours.. i don't see the point in them tbh? do they actually affect anyone or anything anyone does? because to me rumours are just gossip, they are pathetic and ruin relationships that are not worth letting go over pointless rubbish that someones made up for something to do:S.. whats the point in making up rubbish thats just going to get someone else into trouble? Thing that i don't get is you would hate it if someone made up a rumour about you, life's deffinately a circle, but to me it's a circle that you should be enjoying because you only get to live once! and there's no going back, you can't change the mistakes you have made, and you can't go back lifes always going to be full or memories and regrets but thats it, just life for you<3! thats what happens but lifes far too short and really not worth ruining, try your best to make the most of what you have, because once it's gone its gone, have fun and don't let anyone get to you!, you are who you are and you should be loving that!, you are your own person, and everyone has different ways off doing things, it'd be pretty god damn boring if we were all the same, so good job we're not and good job everyones got their own personalities. I'm glad that i am who i am today, and that i've expierenced the things i have, if i hadn't went through all the drama that i've been through then i wouldn't be who i am today, thats why instead of hating you i actually thankyou for the mistakes you've made, they have made me who i am. Hopefully because of your mistakes i can be a better person, and when i'm older i won't make the same mistakes that you have!, i know internet isn't a very good place to say this but it's a great place to get things out of my system on a website that no-one i know has<3!
 This song has got me through so much!, and i'm so thankfull!:)

Leaving you behind.

you don't know what you have until it's gone, but don't walk away when you have problems, that's when you prove things can get worse. When you walk away you can't turn back and change the mistakes you've made and choice you've's about time you stop interfiering and trying to break the happiness when we all know it's you that's not wanted anymore; things change people move on life's goes on. I'm not going to stand around and wait for people like yourself to change when i know fine well that's not going to happen so grow up and stop kidding yourself.. chances are chances and they are ment for a reason, so that you are not given them over and over.. so now heres what happens you get a few chances you mess up again, i have to pick up the pieces over again, it's not going to happen all the time. i'm not going to stand back and let you hurt me over again, it's my life i'm young and i'm able to enjoy it, you have your life and it's upto you what you do with it, but my lifes my life and it's upto me what i do with it, so for me i would like to achieve things that i can be proud of and look back say "wow i actually done that?" but you can just carry on ruining your own, because your not dragging me down with you. i love my life and i'm willing to make the most of it=).